Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Monday, December 19, 2011

Siblings Help Keep It Real

Siblings make the best friends. They encourage you when you're down and share with you the biggest joys in life.  That being said, they also have a great knack of helping you stay grounded.  I think it's impossible to get a 'big head' when spending time with your siblings.  Especially if they're like mine....or like my children are becoming to each other.

I remember as a kid my older brother, Justin, would tease me relentlessly that my name sounded like the grunts and groans someone would make while pooping.  Yes, pooping.  He would wiggle and squirm while bearing down moaning, "Grrrrr-eeetch-ennnn." I hated it and subsequently hated my name.

I used to dress my little brother, Alex, up like a girl, called him Alexis and made him play house with me.  Sorry, Al, but I think it's helped make you a more well-rounded person...I hope.

In high school I was so excited when I got a pair of go-go boots.  I was prancing around the house thinking I was dressed to impress and couldn't wait to wear them to school.  Justin squashed my thunder when he told me my calves looked like packed sausage.  Those boots never saw the light of day.

Steve and his brother, Russell, to this day affectionately call each other 'Dummy.'  It's programmed in Steve's phone as 'Dummy,' not Russell.  It's been very confusing for our kids to know that as a bad word and yet hear their Dad and Uncle use it daily.

The other day Gavin went with me into Cannon's room to pick him up from his nap.  I was putting away clothes while Gavin was perched on the crib talking to Cannon.  All of a sudden, Gavin says to Cannon, "you have big ears, you look like a monkey!" 

What??  It's started already?  The baby isn't even six months old!  Can't he get a couple years of reprieve before he's teased relentlessly?  I know being raised with all boys my children are going to have some thick skin by the time they are grown. 

Is it terrible that I laughed when Gavin teased Cannon?  Probably so.  But, it was really funny.  I mean, they are kinda big.....cute, but big.

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