Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boxes Of Fun

An empty box has many uses and 
can bring hours days of fun....

It can be a great spot for a nap....

...or a really fun slide....

....or a super cool ramp

.....or a fort....

....or best of all, it is the most fun when you lay inside the box
and get tousled all around.
Goodbye dear box, you were good to us.  Off to the recycling center.  
If you're lucky you'll become another box that brings lots of entertainment to another family.

This Would Have Been A Better Post

I can't believe I didn't put it together myself! I took my mother-in-law and brother to remind me of the school picture of Steve with his own shiner--I should have waited until 'Minimum Monday' and posted these pictures with a witty caption like, 'two-for-one-special', or 'Bonded Take II'

And for all those who keep asking where Gavin gets his fro from......
check out his Daddy's do!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Puppydog tails

Girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.....

Boys are made of snakes and snails and puppydog tails (and maybe a black eye, or two)

Harrison is so unphased by his black eye he didn't know what his teacher was talking about when she gasped and asked what happened?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy 35th Birthday Daddy!!  Don't you love......

the balloon I picked out just for you?

And a wolverine DVD that I can't wait to watch together!

  And because I remember how much you love sports and chocolate,
I knew you'd love this baseball chocolate cake!

We love you Dad! 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2 Crafts In 2 Days?!?

I need to slow down before I hurt myself!

 We have been under a major remodel for months, (more to come about that later) as a result my life feels very out of my control.  So what is a controlling person to do when life seems too chaotic??  Make a ferocious to-do list listing everything that needs to be done in the house to make it 'complete'.

If I think about it large scale I'm overwhelmed and become swarmed with thoughts of it never being completed.  Instead, I'm tackling it one-by-one and lovingly crossing the items off the list to show me some accomplishment.

I was able to cross off two items and it was exciting, not only because I finished it, but also because it required me to craft!  I'm not a crafty person. My mother, however, takes the cake when it comes to bringing ideas to life.  She can almost pull the idea out of your head and make it work.  I tell her we're a great team-I'm R&D (research and development) and she makes it happen.  She bought me a sewing machine a few years ago in an attempt to merge these qualities.  Unfortunately, who really gets the most use out of it is this person and seeing as how she lives in Austin that isn't a lot.

I made curtains for Harrison and Gavin's room. I could be like Dixie on her blog and list the items needed, the cost involved, and level of difficulty.  But, with me, just assume any craft takes a lot of time, costs a lot of money because I have very little supplies and it's always difficult because I don't know what I'm doing.  

This was my first attempt at stitch-witchery.  
A little tedious, but Spidey holds the curtains together perfectly.  

Spidey doing his job.

The denim shade unzips in the middle to let the sunshine in.  Not too bad for my first curtains.  Although, I must admit, my mother was by my side the entire time guiding me. 

The camo fabric I sewed and then adhered to the
existing boring, white shade. I wanted a more utilitarian look
in the Army room instead of traditional curtains.

Who knows, maybe there's a future for me in the craft world.  I'm not holding my breath.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mother of United Nations

I listened to my boys argue today for 10 minutes.  Only one word was exchanged, back and forth, back and forth.  Can you guess the word???!!!!

Harrison- MINE!

Gavin- MINE!

Harrison- MINE!

And so on and so on......although the tone maybe got a little stronger and the voice a little louder. 

How many wars have been fought in our history over this simple word?  And usually whoever hits the hardest wins, right?  If only mothers ruled the world, so many less wars would take place.  As a mother I solve the problem quite easily, "if you both can't share, then neither of you get it."  There should be a Mother of United Nations. 

By the way, the culprit of the fight?

Quincy, from Little Einsteins.  He went where all the toys go when the boys are at 'war', on top the ventihood in the kitchen (or as I call it, Switzerland).  Out of touch, but not out of site.  A painful reminder of what going to war costs them-- both left toyless. 

Butterfly in the Garden

The Botanical Gardens has a butterfly exhibit going on and we just had to check it out!  It was beautiful with butterflies everywhere, the kids loved pointing them out and finding them hidden in the plants.  These are our usual play group kids...

We found Nemo before entering the exhibit. 
Good to know he's alive and doing well.

This was the last good group shot, after this it was every
mother for themselves trying to keep up with our kids.

Geedge wanted so badly to break the rule and touch this butterfly.  
Just this once, Momma, puulleaase?!
Harrison kept talking about this butterfly, you know, the one that
has eyes on its wings? 

The humid conservatory made my boys curls look amazing.
Well, that and maybe just a little curl conditioner I added!

Butterflies, butterflies, everywhere!

Much to their dismay, swimming was not permitted.  
Bummer says Harrison.

Like a good brother, Harrison must steal any
attention bestowed on Gavin. No pictures
of him, only me, Mom!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Buford T. Justice 2000-2010

      Yesterday our English Bulldog, Buford, died.  Steve and I were just dating when Buford was born.  I can still remember the outfit I wore when we picked him up.  Buford loved to press noses together and have his ear curled between your fingers.  He would roll over and let anyone love on his tummy, he would do this until he snored so loud his cheeks would flutter with his breath!

I waited until Steve was home last night to talk to Harrison.  Harrison asked a series of rapid-fire questions along with some really soft moments.

Me- Buford died today, he's gone to heaven. (I'm tearing up and starting to cry a little)

Harrison- Why's Buford with Evan? And why's your chin shakin' like that? 

Me- No, honey, Buford died and has gone to heaven, he's with God.  And it makes me and Daddy very sad, so I'm crying.

A little bit of silence...

Harrison- Mommy, I'm sorry Buford died.  (he gives his Daddy a hug and says the same thing to him)

Me- Me, too, honey.

Harrison- Where's heaven?  Can I go there?  What's Buford doin' there?

Too many questions here, so I just hug Harrison close.
Later that evening I'm tucking Harrison 
into bed and more questions come

Harrison- Does God like Buford? Is he petting' him in heaven?

Me- I think God does like Buford, and I bet he's loving on him right now.

Harrison- Does God like kitty cats, too?

Me- God loves all animals.  And he loves you, too.

And then like any good four-year-old the sadness quickly dissipates and is replaced with excitement

Harrison- Can we get another dog?!?

 With Buford dying I think 'is it worth having a dog to have to deal with this sadness when they die?'  I have decided that although this is difficult, I wouldn't trade this sadness for the years of happiness he brought into our lives.  The tears don't overshadow the smiles. 

Our engagement photo,  2002