Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Buford T. Justice 2000-2010

      Yesterday our English Bulldog, Buford, died.  Steve and I were just dating when Buford was born.  I can still remember the outfit I wore when we picked him up.  Buford loved to press noses together and have his ear curled between your fingers.  He would roll over and let anyone love on his tummy, he would do this until he snored so loud his cheeks would flutter with his breath!

I waited until Steve was home last night to talk to Harrison.  Harrison asked a series of rapid-fire questions along with some really soft moments.

Me- Buford died today, he's gone to heaven. (I'm tearing up and starting to cry a little)

Harrison- Why's Buford with Evan? And why's your chin shakin' like that? 

Me- No, honey, Buford died and has gone to heaven, he's with God.  And it makes me and Daddy very sad, so I'm crying.

A little bit of silence...

Harrison- Mommy, I'm sorry Buford died.  (he gives his Daddy a hug and says the same thing to him)

Me- Me, too, honey.

Harrison- Where's heaven?  Can I go there?  What's Buford doin' there?

Too many questions here, so I just hug Harrison close.
Later that evening I'm tucking Harrison 
into bed and more questions come

Harrison- Does God like Buford? Is he petting' him in heaven?

Me- I think God does like Buford, and I bet he's loving on him right now.

Harrison- Does God like kitty cats, too?

Me- God loves all animals.  And he loves you, too.

And then like any good four-year-old the sadness quickly dissipates and is replaced with excitement

Harrison- Can we get another dog?!?

 With Buford dying I think 'is it worth having a dog to have to deal with this sadness when they die?'  I have decided that although this is difficult, I wouldn't trade this sadness for the years of happiness he brought into our lives.  The tears don't overshadow the smiles. 

Our engagement photo,  2002


  1. I'm so sorry about Buford. I didn't know his full name... to think all this time I could have been doing bad Jackie Gleason impersonations when referencing him. Sounds like the boys will be fine so that's good.

    Best of luck if you do look for a new dog!

  2. Oh, Greta..I am so sorry. What a sweet converstaion you got to have with Harrison. And, what a sweet tribute to Buford! I love that you guys had your engagement photos taken with him! I know he will be missed a lot.

  3. nice got my chin quivering over here!
