Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Honest Abe or Not So Much

Harrison asked for popcorn with M&M's while watching a movie.  Steve told him popcorn was okay but that he couldn't have any M&M's.  After he gave Harrison his bowl he told me he had put some M&M's in the bottom of the bowl and asked what I thought Harrison would do when he found them.  We placed bets with one another being for or against the honesty of our son.  Steve said he would eat them and not say anything.  I said he would eat them also, but would have to confess that he did so.

Harrison came to kitchen about 15 minutes later and said, "Dad, you said I couldn't have any M&M's, but there were M&M's in the bottom of the bowl.  But, I wasn't sure if they were M&M's, so I ate them just to be positive.  And, yep, they were M&M's!" 

1 comment:

  1. When he grows up to be a lawyer with entrapment as the primary defense, remember this! :-)
