Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life Is But A Dream

I don't like surprises. I'm not a stick-in-the-mud, I just really get excited to think about things. If something is thrown on me last minute I been robbed hours of thoughts getting excited about what's going to happen. It doesn't take much to get me excited and 'thinking'- a date night with Steve, a family trip, someone coming to visit, I even look forward all week to a morning nap on Friday's when Grammy keeps Gavin.

This can sometimes be to my detriment because I will think about a situation and almost make it fairy-tale like in how I think it will turn out. Rarely is life a fairy-tale, right?

Last night we carved a pumpkin. As usual, I had been thinking and thinking about how wonderful it would be; listening to some spooky music while Harrison and Steve decide which pattern to use. The kids and I would take all the icky guts out and laugh at how funny it felt. Steve and Harrison would be busy carving our masterpiece, Gavin and I would make a tasty snack of roasted pumpkin seeds. Again dreaming, I thought this wouldn't take more than forty-five minutes, afterward we would have some popcorn and watch a little Halloween cartoon before the kids went off to bed.


Steve arrived home late-dream buster #1. He was tired and really wasn't feeling too hot. Nope, wasn't anticipating that, either. Never wanting to disappoint, after some dinner he got a second wind and agreed to continue. I cut the top off the pumpkin and got the kids excited about digging the guts out. Harrison developed an immediate phobia of the pumpkin innards and wouldn't have anything to do with it-dream buster #2. Gavin enjoyed dispersing the guts all over the table, floor,and back into the pumpkin. Okay, so maybe I should have anticipated that! I got busy baking pumpkin seeds and Steve was working hard on the detailed bat Harrison picked out. Before long I realized it was just Steve and I left in the kitchen. Harrison was playing with a cardboard box (really, what is the fascination with those things?) and Gavin had a batch of stolen cupcakes with the icing all licked off. Big, fat dream buster #3.

I would love to insert a great conclusion to this story, like, 'in the end, we ate pumpkin seeds, sang songs and marveled at the beautiful pumpkin'. But, no, the pumpkin turned out pretty bad, the seeds were a little too salty, and the kids really could have cared less.

Alas, I went to sleep thinking about more Harrison's upcoming birthday party. Yah!

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