Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Friday, July 31, 2009

Top 10 Things That (almost) Send Me Over the Edge

  1. When Gavin takes his arms like windshield wipers on his highchair tray causing food to fly distances I didn't think possible.

  2. When Harrison gets spaghetti legs on his way to time out. Like one of those childhood wooden toys, you push from underneath and they completely collapse.

  3. When I finally remember to pick up the phone to call and make all the appointments I need and it's 5:02.

  4. When, despite my best efforts, I can't figure out how to work the blue tooth in my car. It makes me feel old. Old and outdated are things I try not to feel. Ever.

  5. When I watch Harrison throw something down and yell "uuugghhh, this is making me frustrated." It's like seeing myself in the mirror and I don't like what I'm looking at. Why can't kids just absorb the good stuff they see you do??

  6. When I stay up late losing an extra 2 hours of sleep and end up watching a really stupid movie.

  7. Putting away laundry. Period.

  8. The exact minute I lay down for a nap is when my dog feels the need to go outside. He must then sniff and sniff for the perfect spot to deposit his urine. When he's feeling extra alpha dog-like he'll muster up more pee for another spot that is lacking his scent.

  9. Calling health insurance companies. I think they intentionally use abbreviations and words that are meant to be confusing. Copay, deductible, bridge, HMO, PPO, FSA, primary, EOB, secondary, denied, in network, co-insurance, gold, silver, max out of pocket, individual out of pocket. By the way, how can a 1 year old have an 'out of pocket' anyway? What pocket?!

  10. 5 point harness car seats. Before I go anywhere I weigh the worth of getting 2 kids in and out and then in and out again of their car seats. Subsequently, we stay home a lot.


  1. #3 Happens to me all the time.
    #4 Hey, don't feel bad, most of the time it's not you, technology is notoriously known for being poorly designed and difficult to use (like my old phone/justin's phone, lots of GPSs). Some things are so difficult to use that even the designers need a review lesson when they try to use it. Just because it's new and fancy doesn't mean it's any good.
    #9 Agreed!
    #10 Sarah's kid hates the carseat. Not that I blame her. I'd hate being strapped down in those harnesses, too!

  2. So freakin' true. Especially 1,5 & 7!
