Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April Photo A Day

I jumped at the opportunity to stay in touch with my friends in Fort Worth and join them for the month of April in the photo a day challenge.  It was fun getting picture texts sent daily with everyone's unique take of the daily word.  Here's mine

Day 1- Reflection.  Initially I read this one wrong and sent a picture of myself.  It wasn't until I received all these cool "reflection" pictures back that I realized my mistake.  So, here's my second attempt, this is my absolute favorite family photo (even though it's missing Lil' C.) Can you see my face in Steve's shirt?  Ahh...reflection.

Day 2- Color.  This is art in the NICU where I work.  I was a little slow getting in the swing of the whole picture-a-day-thing so I was left taking this at about 10:30 at night.

Day 3- Mail.  With the chaos of December I was never able to send out Christmas cards, so I made up for it with a couple Easter ones instead.

Day 4- Someone that makes you happy.  Seeing my boys want to be like their older cousin, Cameron. Cam is a good person for them to look up to.

Day 5- Tiny.  Cannon's hand, though chunky, is still smaller than mine.

Day 6- Lunch.  Doesn't look like much, but these were awesome fajitas!

Day 7- Shadow. 

Day 8- Inside your wallet.  This is the most organized thing in my purse, only because I rarely put stuff back in it.  My Fort Worth zoo and museum passes are just dying to be used.  *Sniff*

Day 9- Younger you. Hard to believe this picture is 15 years old!!  Where has the time gone? 

Day 10- Frozen.  If my house was on fire and I only had time to save a few things this frozen milk would be on the list.  Unless you have pumped milk yourself this may be hard to understand, but the method for gathering this milk is nor fun or easy.   For those mom's out there who have been there I know you're nodding your head in agreement with me. 

Day 11- Where you ate breakfast.  My breakfast is a bad habit of just coffee and I drank it, rather, at the kitchen table. 

Day 12- Stairs.  These are the stairs in my house and it was the only thing separating me from my bed after a night of work.  **The walls are not this bright green.  It's a perfect shade of green. Really.**

Day 13- Something you found.  Cannon and I laid down for a nap together and I woke to find Toonces snuggled up next to him.  This cat loves Cannon! 

Day 14- How you feel today.  Rested and ready for a night of work!

Day 15- Sunset.  The sunset from the parking garage at the hospital.

Day 16- Flowers.  I would be childless if you had to prove you can grow flowers before you can have kids.  Steve often offers a eulogy when I bring plants home, "you were a good plant, providing color to our world, offering nectar to the butterfly.  Goodbye dear flower."  Geesh.

Day 17- Something you don't like.  Laundry.  Everything about it I hate. 

Day 18- Hair.  Steve's head is hair...less! 

Day 19- Orange.  Harrison in his orange vest from the kids' Home Depot workshop. 

Day 20- Something you drew. 
I can't draw.  Even a simple of connecting the drawing with numbers leaves me frustrated.  But, give me a face and I can draw, paint, and create like Picasso!

Day 21- Bottle.  The bottle collection from work.  More types of formula than a bar has liquor.

Day 22- The last thing you bought.  Call me vain, but this is the last thing I bought.  'Frownies', a little triangle that adheres between my eyebrows keeping me from furrowing at night while I sleep. Steve has me paranoid that I'm rapidly aging each night with my 'angry sleep!'   By the way, it really works! 

Day 23- Vegetable.  My most favorite veggie mix, salsa!!

Day 24- Something you're grateful for.  For my three little Bruisers.  Oh, and their Daddy, too!

Day 25- Looking down.  Cannon enjoying the bounce of his first bouncy house.

Day 26- Black and White.  Me and Shanita, we go together like peas and carrots.  My sister from another mister. 

Day 27- Someplace you went.  We've been to just about every park in Greenville, South Carolina.  This city gets an A+ for parks!

Day 28- 1 pm.  Precisely at this time I was sleeping from having worked the night before.  Just imagine me with my eyes closed and a Frownie perfectly placed.  Picture it?  Good.

Day 29- Circle.  H & G.  Ying and Yang.

Day 30- Something that makes you sad.  Having to take Cannon for an emergency dental visit because he hit his face while crawling and loosened his bottom two teeth.  This visit caused me to score a perfect 100% of taking now all three of my children to the dentist in an emergency situation.  Cannon being the youngest has me really concerned for his future catastrophes. 

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