Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Only The Third Child

We are surprised daily with the words and phrases that come out of Cannon's mouth.  The things he says and does is largely due to his birth order.  He has two older brothers that supply him with endless inappropriate behavior for a two-year-old.  I've recently had to sit all the boys down and have a family intervention!  Cannon is getting in trouble at preschool due to his rough demeanor.  We, as a family, are working on using kinder words, kinder touch, and saying sorry with hugs more often. Before a total transformation (which I just know is going to happen any day now!)  I thought I'd capture a few of these less than desirable phrases. 

"I didn't do it!  Gavin did it!"

"Hey Fartface!"

"I never get the iPad!"

Cannon's favorite impersonation

"What the heck, Mom!"

"Don't look at me!"

What am I going to do with this boy?!

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