Bergman's Bruisers

A Look Into My Life Of Raising Four Rough
And Tumbly Boys

Friday, August 7, 2009

It's All About Choices

I took a parenting class last year called Parenting with Love and Logic. It talks of giving your kids choices when either decision is fine with you. It distracts your child with having to make decisions instead of focusing on what it is you are wanting them to do. Like when your child is refusing to go to bed you ask them a series of questions: "Which toothbrush do you want to use tonight?" "Do you want this blanket or that blanket?" "Do you want to turn off the light or do you want me to?" Before they know it they're in bed and they think it was their decision.

When potty training started a year ago I sometimes struggled with getting Harrison to go potty. One morning while I was letting Buford, our English bulldog, outside I gave Harrison the choice-"You can either go potty outside like Buford or in the toilet." What would any red-blooded American 3 year-old-boy choose? Outside, of course! Thus began our daily outing, regardless of rain, sleet, or heat, my boy (and my dog) start their morning off outside.

By the way, this parenting method can also be used on spouses, "Honey, would you rather clean the kitchen or bathe the kids?"


  1. Harrison is going to be so upset with you in about 10 yrs for posting a pic of his tooshy for the world to see!

  2. He may be upset, but it IS a cute tooshy.
    So funny.. my hubby and I ask each other the same question EVERY night!!
